In this video i have do. Pubg mobile has the challenger call of duty pubg mobile already loved by everyone on their phones.
Is Pubg Better Than Free Fire Quora
Call of duty vs pubg vs free fire. It was released in a few select countries in june 2019. However there are many battle royale games competiting with pubg mobile. This video is regarding free fire vs call of duty comparison. Pubg mobile vs free fire vs call of duty mobile game nào hay hơn. Call of duty mobile brings together many maps weapons and characters from across the call of duty series into this version. But not to create monopoly users have both opinions.
Garena free fire vs call of duty mobile. For example apex legends fortnite call of duty mobile garena free fire. Since call of duty mobile dropped in i have mostly noticed many pubg players spending more time on the new game instead of logging hours in pubg mobile. Cod m beta tester pubg mobile beta as well as now stable now the question which one is better. Comment your fav game free fire or cod like share subscribe like our facebook page httpswww. Both these games have been created by the same developers.
Pubg mobile vs call of duty mobile vs garena free fire comparison. Call of duty has better and more realistic graphics. Thanks for being with us hope you like it. All secret locations of godzilla in pubg mobile live and godzilla sound. Comparison between pubg mobile and garena free fire gameplay. By lucy on th8 5 2020.
Call of duty has a long way to go. Currently call of duty mobile is in beta. However a major reason for that is that call of duty is new and will draw peoples fancy for the first few days. Moreover in comparing call of duty vs free fire the graphics of call of duty is also less cartoonish than free fire. Hello rohan while i have been playing both the games for a while now. But thats enough to make the game sound like a real battle.
Which game is best battle royale game for mobile android and ios. Now there are lots of aspects to be considered here to give a direct say tha. Mobile and more in case you are now looking for another battle royale game heres a list of the best pubg mobile alternatives. The competition between pubg and free fire has been going on for quite some time now. Free fire call of duty. Pubg mobile alternatives on android ios.
Meanwhile the sound of firing in call of duty is better although its still not as realistic as that in pubg. One of those game is garena free fire.